Other Soap Making Formula's

TLC Basic 3 oil recipes

These are recipes using just 3 oils. Some oils are easily found in your local area like in you local Health Food Stores and some time your local Farmer Market or Oriental Stores. If you are new at making soap these will be easier to make. Please also take time to read Use basic soapmaking instructions for making soap.Click to go to instructions. This will help you know the equipment needed to make your soap and how easy it really is to do this wonderful healthful craft.

Fits #2 Log Mold
5 oz. Coconut Oil
12 oz. Olive Oil
10 oz. Shortening
3.70 oz. Lye (5% superfatted)
8 1/2 oz. water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

Fits #3 Log Mold
6 oz. Castor Oil
16 oz. Olive Oil
16 oz. Shortening
4.85 oz. Lye (5% superfatted)
12 water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

Fits #4 Log Mold
10 oz. Coconut Oil
10 oz. Cocoa Butter
32 oz. Olive Oil
7.16 oz. Lye (5% superfatted)
17 water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

Fits 5 lb. Slab Mold
12 oz. Coconut Oil
44 oz. Palm or Lard
32 oz. Olive Oil
12 oz. Lye (5% superfatted)
28 water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

Created By Rita Scheu
TLC Soaps & Sundries
http://www.tlcsoaps. com
A variation of this recipe is below this one. The variation is using what I call "The Trinity of Lathering Oils" that I introduced for use on our soapmaking list. Coconut, Castor and Palm Kernel. It uses 4 oz. more oil, so will make a bit more soap.

TLC Hard Bar

8.4 lb. oil batch or approx 11 lbs. of soap. A lot of soap. :-)
approx 60% hard oils
48 oz Olive Oil
32 oz Lard or Palm
32 oz Shortening (Crisco or store brand is fine)
12 oz Coconut Oil
6 oz Cocoa
5 oz Castor
18 oz lye (5% superfatted)
45 oz water or split by using 1/2 milk and 1/2 water adding the lye only to the water phase of the process.
Use basic soapmaking instructions for making soap.Click to go to instructions.
Mix lye in water only, till dissolved. Bring to room temp by placing the lye container in a ice water bath and stirring every once in a while or just let it set till the next day. Weigh out the oils and melt them in a Stainless Steel or Enamel Pot to about 110° to 120°, a bit cooler is fine. Mix lye water into the oils and stir in. If adding milk, warmed a bit or at room temp, add this after adding in the lye water. Bring to trace and pour. Enjoy your soap after drying for about 4 to 5 weeks.
Created By Rita Scheu
TLC Soaps & Sundries
http://www.tlcsoaps. com

TLC Hard Bar using "The Trinity of Lathering Oils"

48 oz Olive Oil
32 oz Lard
32 oz Shortening (Crisco or store brand is fine)
7 oz Coconut Oil
7 oz Castor
7 oz Palm Kernel
6 oz Cocoa Butter
18.40 oz lye (5% superfatted)
45 oz water or split by using 1/2 milk and 1/2 water adding the lye only to the water phase of the process.
Process as above or as you would like.
Created By Rita Scheu
TLC Soaps & Sundries
http://www.tlcsoaps. com

Remember that you can use powdered dried herbs, oatmeal, clays, etc. Make a tea with some herbs and use that as your water phase. You can add the lye to the tea. If you want to use powdered herbs to color the soap you can use from 1 to 2 tsp per lb of oils. If you wish to add a special oil at trace, you can add about 1 tsp per lb of oils to add more superfatting of oils like Jojoba, Avocado, Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel, etc.
These are made to fit the molds that Eddie makes, but if you do not have one of them you can use any container that you like for molding your soap.
The first 5 recipes all have Cocoa Butter in them. I have a few more listed below them that also has the ingredients to make a Trinity of Lathering soap. Hope you enjoy using these recipes and find they help you make wonderful soap.

Recipes using Cocoa Butter

#2 Log Mold TLC Hearty Bubbles

2 oz. Castor Oil
2 oz. Coconut Oil
2 oz. Palm Kernel
2 oz. Cocoa Butter
6 oz. Olive Oil
6 oz. Lard OR Palm Oil
7 oz. Shortening
3.63 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
8 1/2 oz. liquid
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

#3 Log Mold TLC Hearty Bubbles

3 oz. Castor Oil
3 oz. Coconut Oil
3 oz. Palm Kernel
3 oz. Cocoa Butter
10 oz. Olive Oil
8 oz. Lard OR Palm Oil
8 oz. Shortening
5.12 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
12 oz. liquid
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

#4 Log Mold TLC Hearty Bubbles

4 oz. Castor Oil
4 oz. Coconut Oil
4 oz. Palm Kernel
4 oz. Cocoa Butter
12 oz. Olive Oil
12 oz. Lard OR Palm Oil
12 oz. Shortening
7 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
17 oz. water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

#5 Log Mold TLC Hearty Bubbles

5 oz. Castor Oil
5 oz. Coconut Oil
5 oz. Palm Kernel
5 oz. Cocoa Butter
15 oz. Olive Oil
15 oz. Lard OR Palm Oil
15 oz. Shortening
8.76 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
21 oz. water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

#6 Log Mold TLC Hearty Bubbles

6 oz. Castor Oil
6 oz. Coconut Oil
6 oz. Palm Kernel
6 oz. Cocoa Butter
18 oz. Olive Oil
18 oz. Lard OR Palm Oil
18 oz. Shortening
10.51 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
26 oz. water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

Recipes using some basic ingredients along with others additives to make the soap harder. I will be adding to this section from time to time. So please check back often.

#3 Log Mold Lots a Bubbles

3 oz. Castor Oil
3 oz. Coconut Oil
3 oz. Palm Kernel
14 oz. Olive Oil
8 oz. Lard OR Palm Oil
8 oz. Shortening
5.22 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
12 oz. water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

#3 Log Mold TLC Castile (Type)

3 oz. Castor Oil
3 oz. Coconut Oil
3 oz. Palm Kernel
21 oz. Olive Oil
8 oz. Shortening
5.07 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
12 oz. Distilled water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

#3 Log Mold TLC Castile (Type) with Beeswax

1.5 oz. Beeswax (white or yellow)
3 oz. Castor Oil
3 oz. Coconut Oil
3 oz. Palm Kernel
21 oz. Olive Oil
8 oz. Shortening
5.15 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) approx. 5% superfatted
12 oz. Distilled water or water/milk
(you can use all water or 1/2 water and 1/2 milk. Add lye to water only, stirring until dissolved and then add the lye water, room temp, to the warmed oils, stir it in and then add the milk.)

Created By Rita Scheu
TLC Soaps & Sundries
http://www.tlcsoaps. com

A variation of this recipe is below this one. The variation is using what I call "The Trinity of Lathering Oils" that I introduced for use on our soapmaking list. Coconut, Castor and Palm Kernel.

TLC Gentle Baby Soap
approx 48% hard oils

5 lb. oil batch or approx 6 3/4 lbs. of soap.
32 oz Olive Oil
20 oz Palm Oil or Lard
12 oz Coconut Oil
6 oz Avocado
6 oz Cocoa Butter
4 oz Castor Oil
Olive Oil infused with Chamomile Flowers *note 1
2 oz Beeswax (I use beeswax from a local beekeeper that I filter myself)
11 oz lye (about 4% superfatted)
27 oz strong chamomile tea made in distilled water *note 2
35 drops Lavender EO
25 drops Rose Geranium
15 drops Jasmine
or FO of your choice
8 Tbs Chamomile Flowers, whole
2 Tbs Chamomile Flowers, powdered
4 Tbs Powdered Goats Milk or Buttermilk (optional)
*NOTE: 1. Make the infused oils by placing the 8 Tbs Chamomile Flowers in the Olive Oil and heating slowly for about 1 hr or so, do not let the herbs fry. Take a look at the page for infusing herbs. Turn off heat and set aside for a several of hours or over night. Make sure to use only stainless steel, enamel or glass pot for this. Do this just before you won't to make the soap or place in a clean glass jar, lid on and have it ready for when you need it. Strain out the Chamomile Flowers just before you are going to heat the oils together, squeeze out as much of the oil as possible using several layers of cheese cloth or an unbleached muslin. Weight again and add a bit more oil to make the 32 oz Olive Oil.
*NOTE: 2. Make the Chamomile Tea by placing the whole Chamomile in the distilled water, heat to boiling, turn heat off, let it steep, lid on, for several hours or till the next day. Place it in the refrigerator if you want. Strain out the whole Chamomile and squeeze, then weight and add more distilled water to bring it back to the 26 oz. Take out 4 oz of the tea and add the 2 Tbs of powdered Chamomile to it. Or you can leave all the tea together and add the powdered Chamomile to the oils as they are warming.
Making the soap: Take 14 oz of the tea and dissolve the lye in it. While lye liquid is cooling, heat all the oils, including the infused Olive Oil, add Beeswax and melt. Cool oils to 110 and have lye liquid at room temp. Add lye liquid to oils slowly, stirring constantly. After adding lye liquid to oils and they are incorporated well, add the 12 oz of the tea that you have warmed to the same temp and stir. If you want to add the milk, just add it to the warmed tea and stir till it is all dissolved, then add to oil/lye mixture. At light trace add the powdered Chamomile you have in the 4 oz of tea, EO's or FO's or you can leave out the fragrances, I like it both with or without the scents.
*NOTE: 3. If making for an infant, it is always best to leave out the EO and FO. Just the soap is all that is needed.
Created By Rita Scheu
TLC Soaps & Sundries

TLC Gentle Baby Soap using "The Trinity of Lathering Oils"

32 oz Olive Oil
24 oz Palm Oil or Lard
5 oz Coconut Oil
5 oz Castor Oil
5 oz Palm Kernel
6 oz Cocoa
6 oz Avocado
11 oz lye (about 5% superfatted)
27 oz strong chamomile tea made in distilled water *note 2
Process as above or as you would like.
Created By Rita Scheu
TLC Soaps & Sundries
http://www.tlcsoaps. com
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